Tuesday, 30 December 2008

How to Select the right Plastic Surgeon for Gynecomastia

The risk for complications in gynecomastia is very low overall, particularly when performed by a board certified plastic surgeon, board certified anesthesiologist and in a fully accredited facility.

There is a simple way to check if your chosen plastic surgeon is a board certified plastic surgeon. you just go to the plastic surgeon board website and look for him/her there, or you can type the plastic surgeon name with the word - 'board certified' and it should bring out his/her listing as a certified surgeon.

Here are the links that can help you find a certified plastic surgeon:

American society of plastic surgeons
The American board of plastic surgeons
AAPS - American Association of plastic surgeons
ISAPS - International society of easthetic plastic surgeons

1 comment:

  1. Well finding a good surgeon is really a tough job.. Hope it will help..

    Gynecomastia Surgeon Florida
