Tuesday, 30 December 2008

How to Select the right Plastic Surgeon for Gynecomastia

The risk for complications in gynecomastia is very low overall, particularly when performed by a board certified plastic surgeon, board certified anesthesiologist and in a fully accredited facility.

There is a simple way to check if your chosen plastic surgeon is a board certified plastic surgeon. you just go to the plastic surgeon board website and look for him/her there, or you can type the plastic surgeon name with the word - 'board certified' and it should bring out his/her listing as a certified surgeon.

Here are the links that can help you find a certified plastic surgeon:

American society of plastic surgeons
The American board of plastic surgeons
AAPS - American Association of plastic surgeons
ISAPS - International society of easthetic plastic surgeons

Anesthesia in the Gynecomastia Surgery

Gynecomastia is a procedure that can easily be performed under local anesthesia in male breast reduction cases. Some men do like the added benefits of sedation along with local anesthesia for male breast reduction. In fact, it is very rare to have general anesthesia for gynecomastia surgery. The type of anesthesia that will be recommended for gynecomastia depends upon a variety of factors, including:

• Patient’s desire for the type of anesthesia to be used for gynecomastia.
• Medical conditions that might present a higher risk.
• Patient comfort, particularly in the case of adolescents whereby local anesthesia and sedation may be the better choice should they become restless during the male breast reduction procedure.
• The severity of the gynecomastia condition and level of surgery required to produce optimal results. When the case is severe, it may be more likely to have local anesthesia and sedation.

Monday, 22 December 2008

PJ.Braun is a professional body builder that has had a Gynecomastia surgery.
In this video he explains the reasons for him to choose going trough this procedure and how it changed his life.

PJ. Braun has won several body building championships since performing the Gynecomastia surgery.

Thursday, 18 December 2008

Gynecomastia in Body Builders

Gynecomastia is a medical syndrome in which the male breast is over sized and has a similarity in appearance to women breasts. Men who suffer from this syndrome are, in many cases, experiencing problems in fitting in and even in finding a companion figure.
For Body builders Gynecomastia is more then just an inconvenience. In their profession Body proportion and perfection is the most important thing. All their body building efforts can be for nothing if they have this syndrome.

In these next videos you can view and hear some stories from body builders who have past this operation successfully and are competing and winning in professional body building championships.